I understand everyone has their own experiences with RV insurance companies and their views may differ greatly. I gathered my data from online reviews and BBB complaints to produce this best-of list. Here are 6 great options for an RV insurance quote. RV insurance from Good Sam to our choice of the Charlotte RV insurance team.
Our RV Dream was most likely a large investment and we want to make sure we protect it. Having the right Recreational Vehicle Insurance can assure us that we will not lose everything from one unforeseen accident.
My list of the best Recreational Vehicle insurance companies for 2022 hopefully will put a few minds at ease.
What is the average cost of RV insurance?
On average, full-time RV insurance costs $1500. RV insurance costs range from $1000 to $2000 for most RVs in the US in 2019. However, RV insurance policies and costs can vary. While a Class C RV insurance policy may only cost $1000, a Class A RV could be upwards of $2000.
Here are also 20 Must-have helpful apps to use as you head down the road – CLICK HERE

Full-Time Recreational Vehicle Insurance Cost Factors
The cost of full-time RV insurance depends upon a number of factors. First, the resale value of the RV accounts for a significant amount of the RVs insurance costs.
A new, more expensive RV will typically cost more to insure than a used RV. This lifestyle needs special attention when getting your RV Insurance quote.
RV Theft Coverage
The likely hood of theft, break-ins, and criminal damage plays a part in RV insurance cost estimates as well. While RVs usually aren’t as likely to be stolen as your average automobile, they can be an excellent target for burglars and delinquents.
This is particularly true when the RV is left unattended at an RV park or campsite. Where the RV has been stored plays a major factor in how vulnerable your RV is.
An RV that spends most of its time in areas with high rates of property crime will cost more to insure than a vehicle stored in a quieter area. RV insurance agencies usually use ZIP code information to determine the RV’s risk of damage.
A recreational vehicle insurance company that you can trust can greatly eliminate possible loss from an unexpected event.
Our #1 Choice – Charlotte Insurance / RV Team

RV Insurance: Make sure your dreams are protected
RV Road Accident Coverage
The risk of an accident can drastically affect the cost of RV insurance. Because most RV driving happens on high-speed highways and rural roads, RVs that are driven frequently run the risk of being in a serious accident.
Also, repair costs for an RV are a lot more than the costs of repair work performed on a typical automobile. Because of RV’s high resale value and the possible scarcity of replacement parts.
What Won’t Be Covered By Full-Time Recreational Vehicle Insurance
A good deal of RV insurance policies won’t cover interior furnishings or personal belongings. While some insurance agencies offer policy riders for those wanting to protect the valuables stored in their RVs, it’s usually more practical to take out a separate policy on each valuable item.
A lot of RV owners also like to store their valuables outside of their RV in lockboxes or secure storage units.
If you’re “driving” a motorhome, you’ll also need liability coverage to stay legal on the road. But if you’re “pulling” a travel trailer, your state won’t require you to insure the RV, as you’re already covered for liability on your auto insurance policy.
Best 6 Recreational Vehicle Insurance Companies of 2022
1. Charlotte Insurance / RV Team
Buying and owning an RV is a dream come true for many travelers across the country. An RV opens up the door to America allowing vacationers to see the many splendors and sights our great nation has to offer.
Whether you are climbing a winding road in the Rockies, trudging through the hot desert of the southwest, or heading north to the Nation’s Capitol, an RV can get you there.
Your new RV comes with a responsibility to protect and secure it from the dangers of America’s roadways. RV insurance coverage with Charlotte Insurance will protect your traveling companions and assets while you are on the road.
Get your FREE quote today or ask for a complimentary policy review – Charlotte Ins RV team
2. Progressive
Progressive is one of the largest insurance companies in the U.S. and has a wide variety of products to choose from. They are a great option for insurance when thinking of your RV. Their insurance agency has good rates and customer support. Research all of their options as they provide many ways to receive discounts or policy customizations.
In addition to recreational vehicle insurance, they also offer car insurance and homeowner’s insurance. You get a multi-policy discount if you run all your insurance needs through the same company.
Get an RV Insurance Quote from Progressive
3. Good Sam
RV insurance from Good Sam is one of the most well-known RV insurance providers. Their RV coverage includes highly tailored policies for RV and motor homeowners. (Read our full review here.) They have 24 hours a day service, 7 days a week with some of the best policy options.
The Good Sam Insurance Agency offers specific policies for full-time RVers (full-time RV insurance), coverage for your RV and automobile in the same policy, RV storage options, coverage for attachments such as awnings or rooftop antennas, and much more. They also offer car insurance separate from your RV. And it’s available in all states! So, RV insurance from Good Sam’s makes a lot of sense.
Get an RV Insurance Quote from Good Sam
4. Nationwide
One of the largest home and auto insurance providers in the country, Nationwide has the greatest variety of discounts of any of our top RV insurance companies, giving shoppers looking for value a way to find the best RV insurance rates.
Nationwide offers many of the discounts you’d expect with most RV insurance companies such as multi-policy discounts for combining your purchase with home or auto insurance, savings for paying your policy in full, and savings for maintaining continuous insurance coverage on your vehicle.
However, Nationwide stands out in the more unique discounts it has on offer. For example, you’ll get discounts for completing an approved state RV safety course, being a member of an RV club, and being a member of a qualifying affinity organization, which includes hundreds of alumni associations and professional groups.
Get an RV Insurance Quote from Nationwide
5. Safeco
Safeco is a great choice for part-time RVers because it offers the best customization options for those who aren’t on the road 365 days a year. This insurer allows you to customize your policy and insured motorized vehicles as well as towable homes and trailers.
Safeco also is one of the few recreational vehicle insurance companies to offer options such as pet coverage, electronic lock, and key replacement, vacation liability, audio-visual, and custom equipment protection. It also offers worldwide coverage for damage or indirect loss of use for rental vehicles.
Policyholders are privy to discounts for being claims-free each year, a diminishing deductible, and accident forgiveness discounts. Unfortunately, full-time RVers will have to look elsewhere because Safeco will only cover RVs for those who use their vehicles for 250 days or less per year.
Get an RV Insurance Quote from Safeco
6. Allstate
Allstate provides specific discounts to policyholders when they bundle a homeowners and auto insurance policy with their RV insurance.
It also offers additional discounts such as crediting you for years insured with another carrier and being 55 years or older (you can’t be actively seeking employment, however). These discounts are not common among other insurers.
With Allstate, however, you are limited to insuring motorhomes and there aren’t as many coverage options compared to the others on this list.
Allstate’s policies offer collision and comprehensive coverage, plus add-ons such as personal injury protection coverage, towing and labor costs coverage, medical payments coverage, uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, and coverage for your sound system.
You’ll need to call an independent insurance agent to receive a quote; Allstate agents maintain their own clients, which makes their business relationships more personal.
Get an RV Insurance Quote from Allstate
There are other companies that provide RV insurance and they may serve your needs best:
As stated before each person has their own experiences with insurance companies and agents so research is needed to find the best fit for you. These were our choices from our research and results may vary from state to state. Hopefully, this list of the best RV insurance companies for 2022 will help you decide.
The important part of getting an RV Insurance quote is to make sure your investment is protected.
Here are also 20 Must-have apps to use as you head down the road – CLICK HERE
RV Insurance: Make sure you have the right coverage

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