Why does my generator keep shut off shortly after starting?

How do I check the oil in my RV generator?
To check your oil level, ensure the generator is level and shut off. Unscrew the yellow oil fill cap, and wipe the oil off of the dipstick. So, once the dipstick is clean, screw the oil fill cap on completely. Unscrew the cap, and check the oil level on the dipstick. So, this is a great starting place when doing an RV generator repair diagnosis.
How often should the oil be changed?
Manufacturers recommend changing the oil in your new RV generator after the first 50 hours, and then every 150 hours after that. When changing the oil, it is recommended that the oil filter be changed, and coolant levels are topped off.
The carburetor might be clogged. A clogged carburetor is most commonly caused by leaving fuel in the generator for a long period of time. So, if the carburetor is clogged, try cleaning it with a carburetor cleaner. If cleaning the carburetor isn’t effective then it may need to be rebuilt or replaced altogether.
Where is the carburetor located on a generator?
On most models, the carburetor is located in the back of the generator just behind the air filter assembly.
Why does my RV generator surge?
Prolonged surging is indicative of a governor and/or carburetor out of adjustment. Unfortunately, the carburetor and governor should only be adjusted while monitoring the voltage, and frequency and while applying a measured load at the same time.
RV Fuel Level
Many generator models are designed to shut down if there is a quarter of a tank of fuel left in the gas tank. Check your owner’s manual to see if the generator runs from the RV gas tank and this is a very common issue.
Old fuel could even result in a generator that does not want to start, runs rough, or shuts off soon after starting. This can result if your vehicle has sat for a long period without use. To fix this, the fuel will need to be removed and most likely fuel system will need to be flushed.
Since we are on the topic of fuel, make sure to inspect your fuel filter and fuel lines to insure proper flow to your generator.
Air Filter
As with the fuel filter, your air filter needs to be clean and free of debris for it to have a proper flow to receive the correct air/fuel mixture. If you have never changed the air filter, I am guessing it is probably time to do so.
A bad spark plug can also create some problems if old or dirty. Pull and visually inspect, or replace it since you already have it out.
These are some of the common issues that could be causing your generator to shut down shortly after starting or running rough. There are many makes and models on the market either onboard or portable but starting with the above items is a best practice.

Some other things to check
Main house electrical switch
For some models, you will need to make sure the main house electrical switch near the side door is off. Also, make sure all lights are turned off in the house for added assurance. This way you know there is not a load on it as you start up.
Is your generator overloaded?
A generator could also stop because of having too much of a load applied to its circuits. check your owner’s manual to see how many amps your generator is producing and what you are asking from it. Overloading the circuit will cause it to shut down to protect itself.
How do you fix an overloaded generator?
Remove unnecessary appliances or get a larger generator!
After removing all electronics from the receptacles, hit the circuit protector reset button, followed by the Overload Reset button to correct the load. In the event of a sudden generator failure due to prolonged engine overload, the overload reset button is used.
Code 36 for Onan generators!
what is code 36? This can be a tricky part for an RV generator repair diagnosis
When fault code 36 arises, it means that the generator’s engine has shut down without a shutdown command from the control board. Possible issues could be air supply or fuel not at an adequate level and the engine will kick off. The generator will need to be reset after the resolution is found.
How do I reset my Onan generator?
- Locate the primer button on the generator. It is located on the side of the unit, below the gas tank.
- Hold the primer button down for at least 30 seconds.
- Release the button and start the generator.
- Allow the generator to run for 15 minutes, to ensure that the code has cleared.
How often should I run my generator?
Run your RV generator for 5-10 minutes every month. This runtime not only keeps the fuel in good condition but also doubles as a test to make sure your generator’s running properly.
RV Generator Repair: What to do when your generator keeps dying
Generator Maintenance
How long do Onan RV generators last?
Onan generators have been known to last for 10,000 to 20,000 hours if they are cared for properly. If proper attention is not taken, they will likely only last 1,000-5,000 hours. These numbers will vary, given the specific generator model and fuel type you have.
Are generators worth fixing?
If you can’t manage to keep your generator in good shape, or you can’t rely on it for more than an hour or two of power, it’s time to replace it. In addition, generator repairs may end up costing more than your generator is worth over time, particularly if it’s out of warranty.
Since we are talking about possible repairs please check out our article on where to take my RV for repairs and maintenance if you head down that road.
How much does a new generator cost?
New Onboard
A new onboard replacement generator can run about $3500 plus the cost of labor to install depending on the model.
New Portable
A portable generator for an RV on average costs around $400-$1500. Below, are some examples of various portable generators. The prices vary, depending on brands and watts.

RV Generator Repair 101
Generator runs fine then stops
Startup hints and tips
Generator starts but won’t stay running – #1 reason for this
RV Generator Repair: Why does my generator shut off right after starting?