If you have ever wondered about adding a skirt to your RV or if there was anything on the market better than snap-on skirting, here you go! The upfront cost is a little rough on the wallet but could be a great investment if you are more of a stationary RV person. Controlling air movement and temperature fluctuations will reduce energy bills that will add up over time. So, let’s learn a little about Airskirts for an RV: Worth it or not?
Airskirts: Worth it or not?
What are Airskirts?
Airskirts are inflatable high-quality skirting airbags for your RV. These devices were created to protect your undercarriage from damaging elements such as freezing pipes, sand, and debris. So, since they are fitted and well-insulated units, they can help reduce temperature fluctuations. Besides their streamlined look, they will increase the heat or cold retention to keep your RV at a comfortable temp.
See the below video on how the skirt works and even a temperature test to see if it is really worth your consideration.

Another big topic for campers and RVers is the addition of Solar to their setup. If this is something you are interested in learning more about, please check out our Solar panel setup guide @2 boomers and a baby RV
Airskirts: Worth it or not?
This new video will show you exactly how Airskirts work and also test them to see if they will actually keep temperatures from fluctuating
What is wrong with conventional RV skirting?
RV skirts are usually not very aesthetic, but what are their other downsides?
- Drilling and Screwing (Permanent holes and rusty screws)
- Low insulation Value (Usually a thin layer of material)
- Install and Removal Time (Snapping into place and then unsnapping/folding up when taken down)
- Higher Energy bills and Money Spent compared to Airskirt
- Most Skirts are just not very Appealing to look at (Many are homemade projects)

Airskirt tubes are specially created for your RV type and size.
AC Air Pump – A 800W AC Air Pump to inflate your skirt tubes and components. This same pump is also used to deflate them for storage. Tube inflation time is super fast with this high-velocity pump.
Skirt Tubes, Various Sizes – Each RV Skirt Kit comes with the correct combination of tubes to fit your travel trailer, fifth wheel, motor coach, teardrop, or another type of RV.
Tire Wedges (Add-On) – Our tire wedges sit between your tires on two or three-axle RVs to complete the seal around your RV’s perimeter. So, these wedges can be placed above and below the tires.
Tire Covers (Add-On) – Cover both of your dual-axle tires at once with our AirSkirts tire covers. These covers surround both of your tires and stay in place by means of an elastic backing.
Storage Bag Our storage bag fits your entire AirSkirts kit for easy storage in your truck bed or storage area. Durable and spacious, we recommend loading the bag in place.
Buffer pillows can be added to fill in gaps or for odd-shaped areas.
To find out more about their skirting products, check here @Airskirts

Airskirts: Worth it or not?
Why do RVs need skirting?
The main purpose of RV skirting is to keep the flow of air steady under your RV. This is either to keep cold/hot air out or to keep it in. The reduction of temperature fluctuations will assist the heating and cooling units in doing their jobs more efficiently. Hopefully saving you $$ on your heating and cooling bills!
Another reason for skirting is to keep out dirt, dust, and debris from gathering under your RV. If your unit is stationary over a period of time, you can get build-up and make perfect nesting areas for critters.
Do RV skirts work?
Yes, skirts work well at performing their intended duty, but they are still not 100% efficient due to them needing to be temporary. Keeping them in temporary status allows you to keep your mobility when ready to move sites.
The only way to really make it better would be a more permanent skirt which would make for a difficult transition when wanting to move.
Most permanent skirtings are really not pleasing to the eyes.
Is an RV skirt good for summer?
If a quality skirt is used it can keep cold in and hot out. This will assist your AC unit due to the limiting flow of hot air under your RV. Please see the above video for temperature testing.
Do RV skirts work in the winter?
In the winter a skirt’s duty is to keep the heat under your unit while keeping the cold out. As with the AC being more efficient in the summer, your heater will be more efficient in the winter.
Please see the above video for temperature testing.

Airskirts: Worth it or not?

Another big topic for campers and RVers is the addition of Solar to their setup. If this is something you are interested in learning more about, please check out our Solar panel setup guide @2 boomers and a baby RV
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