Mike stated that he bounced around Florida for years before settling down in NE Ohio, close to where Heidi had spent her entire life.
They got the camping fever early on, taking the kid’s tent and camping in and around local campgrounds. They soon grew tired of the tents and moved on to a pop-up camper.
Packing and unloading the supplies from the truck was not the life they expected. So the pop-up camper was short-lived. (Or was it!)
From what Mike says, there was a short delay in their next purchase due to a side swipe of their truck, and pop-up sale funds were used for repairs. Once the truck was ready to safely hit the road again, the search was back on for a new toy.
Moving on up
Not so fast, next, they purchased a fixer-upper pop-up, and as you can see in the video below it needed a little love. Mike seems to love a good project and the completed projects are always worth the look.
This pop-up served them well to get back into the camping life, kinda! Just 2 outings in the Starcraft pop-up. Oh well! Next
Now they are moving on up
The Terry travel trailer was the next new member of the family. This is where I ran across them on YouTube and I’ve been following them ever since. Watch videos of theirs daily, learning new things about both of them, their kids, and RV life.
Another fixer-upper, but the final product was really a cute RV.
RV daydream: From Homeowners to full-time living
Here is where it all began!
Here is what it looked like after
Over the years Mike has done many projects that you can see on their YouTube channel @RV Daydream He fixed and repaired their RV and helped his son turn a van into a livable space for his travels. I would totally have loved to hit the road in a van when I was younger, so awesome to see him get out and explore.
On top of the repairs, he has also done numerous reviews of products that most of us have or want in our campers/RVs.
Mike has covered generators in-depth, replaced door handles, and electric tongue jacks, and talked about AC units. This channel is packed with information that almost anyone who owns an RV would find useful.
Fast forward a little
A couple of years back they finally found their Daydream RV
Here is a detailed, long video covering the Rockwood Ultra Lite 2604ws features that made them choose this RV after 3.5 years of shopping. I love it!
RV Daydream has some great videos for Travel Trailer owners with detailed information on tongue weights, torsion bars, and the perfect setups. Know what you can tow with your vehicle before heading down the road with a lot of weight behind you.
Great videos for knowing you are towing safely when headed down the highway.
RV daydream: From Homeowners to full-time living
Nowadays, Mike and Heidi have emptied the nest, sold the house, and now live full-time on the road enjoying life.
They have been traveling the country (I did see a 12K mile/ 34 state video they made), but from what I can tell they are spending most of their time in sunny Florida and riding their E-Bikes off into the sunset.
Please check them out on YouTube @RV Daydream, I think you will thoroughly enjoy their company. Mike and Heidi both make me laugh constantly. Keep traveling guys!
And please keep making videos so we can follow along!
2022 update
Earlier this year Mike and Heidi made the move from a travel trailer to a fifth wheel. Sticking with the Rockwood brand that they love so much, it will be fun to watch their transition to a new unit.
Carly, I, and Boo are on a similar path as theirs, to transition from homeowners to full-time RV life. I know everyone’s paths are different, but we seem to have the same goal.
We love to travel around and see this beautiful country of ours and at least for me, walking out my front door into nature would be amazing.
The west has been our go-to place for adventures of late with a 7000-mile trip of a lifetime, seeing 9 National Parks, through 11 states, and spending a 3-day concert weekend in Palm Springs. Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, The Stones, The Who, Neil Young, and Roger Waters kept us company.
We have been making regular trips to Gulf Shores, Panama Beach, and Myrtle Beach over the last few years.
Our latest journey was out to Moab for a return visit and it did not disappoint once again. Love all that Utah has to offer from Bryce, Zion, Arches, Dead Horse, and Canyonland to name a few.
If full-time life is a goal of yours, you might enjoy – Life in an RV and all that comes with it @ 2 Boomers and a Baby RV