If you have ever been left high and dry with no power while at the campground then this is the blog for you. We are excited about this product because getting off the grid is what we live for. We also want to be as comfortable as possible while doing […]
Repair / Maintenance
What is the best sealant for an RV roof? Dicor provides the best sealants for RV roof maintenance and repairs on the market. Before you can determine what the best sealant is for your particular RV roof, you need to know what kind of Roofing material you have. The 2 […]
Your RV likely uses both AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) to run different devices. If you are plugged in at the campground, it brings in 120V and then splits it up as needed. One part is 120V and another part is converted to 12V. So, let’s find out, […]
The interior walls of an RV coming from the manufacturer are just usually not pretty. Most of us just deal with it not wanting to bring the value down on the new investment we just made. When it comes to RV Interior Paint Ideas, certain steps need to be taken […]
Do I need one of these in my RV? The electrical system of an RV can be tricky and if RVs are new to you, they can be very confusing. We are going to talk about RV Converters vs Inverters and see if we can knock that off your list […]
There is nothing like a nice long hot shower after an active day on the trail We have all been there, Set up our site, and headed out for a day of hiking or just exploring the area. It’s the middle of summer, and coming back to camp dirty and […]
Remember those childhood summers in the sweltering heat stuck inside our parent 6-man tent? Me too! Luckily, we have grown up and moved on to bigger and better toys. For me, it is an Itasca class C RV sporting all the luxuries of home. I could not imagine being stuck […]
If you have ever been shopping for a used RV, you can definitely relate to this topic. Letting an RV sit around unused and closed up for a couple of months takes its toll. A little moisture on the carpet or a black tank not properly dumped can bring the […]
Next stop, flooring It may not look like the floor needs replaced in the picture below, but it has some serious issues. So, come along as we show in our own way, Replacing Flooring in an RV (step by step). The hardwood planks were about an inch thick, and a […]
Water Damage? One of the scariest and most common problems when purchasing a used class C RV is water damage. Then comes that fateful day when you find out you need to start rebuilding the cabover bunk area. Not what you are wanting to find when you just spent good […]