Camping with pets can be fun for all, as long as your pet is happy. Most of us love our pets just like family, but if you are one of those who just take them to be taking them, stop. Find someone to watch them while you are away traveling. It will just be better for the pet and everyone involved. We are going to talk a little about camping with pets and traveling in your RV.
Know where your pet will be during travel days
If possible, let your pet decide where they find comfort in the RV. You can let them spend time in it getting accustomed before you head out on your merry way. The more comfortable they feel with the RV, the better it will be once it starts moving.
Spend the night in your RV with your pet, just sitting in the driveway. Trust me, you will find out real quick if they will be able to relax enough to travel with you.
Bring a few familiar toys out and even their pet bed if possible to make them feel at home.
Sit in the driver’s seat and start up the RV, they will find a place that is comfortable most likely. Jump up on the dinette, on the people’s bed, on their bed, or even in your lap if they are able.
This is not something you want to be trying to figure out as you travel down the road in a large vehicle. You need to be focused on what you have to do. This will make camping with pets so much better for both of you.
If you need some ideas for your next travel destination look no further

Choose a place for your pet to sleep
Some pets can sleep well anywhere while others need a designated space for them to be relaxed. Will they be able to climb in bed with you or do they need their very own bed slid up under the dinette?
The more relaxed and comfortable they are, the better your travel experience will be. The last thing you need is to be 1000 miles from home and have your pet asking for anxiety meds.
There are also some pets that just need to be in a crate so they can be more relaxed. Do you even have room for this if it is needed? These are things you want to figure out ahead of time.

Pack supplies: Pet toys, Food, plenty of water, and needed dishes
Hopefully, we will all bring along plenty of food and treats but don’t forget the little extras. Bowls for food and water, collars and leashes, or their favorite snuggle toys.
If they take medicines or have a specialty diet, make sure you plan ahead and bring extra supplies. Each state will stock its stores differently from place to place. Don’t always expect to find what you need while traveling.
Happy and relaxed pets make any trip just that much better. When packing for your adventure don’t forget you will be camping with pets and they need their supplies as well.

Plan for activities away from the RV – what will they do and where will they stay
Are you one that likes to get out each day to explore away from camp?
Do you head out on long hikes?
Will you be exploring local towns and attractions regularly?
If you answered yes to any of these, you will need to plan for where your pet will be. I know every pet is much different than the next, some can just chill all day and others will eat a hole through the door of your RV.
You won’t want to tie them up outside at your camp and leaving them inside can take planning.
Will it be too hot?
Do I leave the air on all day?
Should I use their crate?
These are just some things to think about before you just head out on an adventure and everything goes sideways quickly. Being prepared will greatly improve your camping with pets experience.
Plan activities for your furry animals as well
As much as you enjoy hiking up to Angels Landing, Scaling Half Dome, or a long walk in the woods, your pets need their energy released as well.
Try and walk them daily when possible or at least bring them out to look around and be part of the journey.
For dogs walking them regularly provides a basic foundation for physical and mental health. Like a child, your dog wants to know the world. If he or she is confined to the RV for too long, your dog will get bored, and boredom can lead to destructive behavior.
This is not for all pets and you should know better than anyone if your pet needs time to move.

Take your time
It is a marathon, not a race should be your mentality when traveling with pets. Frequent stops to relax from all the bouncing of the road to help keep them calm.
You know your pet better than anyone and will know their personality. Some furry friends love to travel and can go all day relaxing in the RV wherever. Others need to be in a cage for comfort and take frequent breaks from the road.
Camping with pets can slow the pace, but hey, they are part of the family and get a say too.
Always be prepared for emergencies
Lost pets can be traumatic, to say the least. Be prepared for this in case your pets run away or get lost while out in the woods or at an RV park. At a minimum, make sure they have up-to-date identification tags.
A new item on the scene is a digital identification tag for your pet.
Scan the tag QR code to activate the tag, Links to the free pet profile page, Can enter multiple emergency contacts/ upload multiple pet photos/ Home Addresses / Medical Info, etc. of your pet.
It is not a GPS tracker, but if someone scans the QR code, it will send your pet’s GPS location to your email, as well as you can view the scanned location on Google Maps.
Most people now have QR code readers right on their smartphone

Injuries are another real thing that you need to be ready for. Either from one of their own frolicking adventures or a run-in with one of the local wild animals.
This is a good reason to not let them wander far or keep them on a leash around the camp.
Needless to say, a first aid kit is a must for both you and your pet.
Plan for temperature consistency
Just like you, pets want and need to be comfortable with the heat and cold. A camper or RV can heat up quickly if there is no air or fan left on for them.
Know destination rules and regulations
Whether a National Park, State Park, RV Resort, or your local KOA, all these parks have different rules about pets. It could be No Pets allowed or even certain breed restrictions.
There might also be rules about where you can walk your dog (some campgrounds even have dog parks!) and most campgrounds don’t let you leave your pet tied up unattended.
Most National Parks have no problem with you bringing your pet, but most do not allow them to move around with you hiking or on walks. This is more for their protection than anything else.
Be prepared for a way to keep pets contained or restrained when outside of the RV
Most parks and campgrounds have restrictions on pets as to their mobility around the place. Most will never allow your pet to just roam freely whenever they want. A leash tied up somewhere is very restricting for your furry friend. So, how can they be happy while staying around camp?
It depends on the size of your pet and how well they are mannered. Portable playpens or pop-up enclosures work well for smaller dog breeds.

TOOCAPRO Dog Pen 16 Panels 24-Inch High RV Dog Playpen Outdoor/Indoor, Dog Fence Exercise Pet Pen

Remember you have neighbors
Hard to believe, but not all people are dog and cat lovers. Be aware if your dog is barking at every squirrel that passes or charging each person that passes somewhat close to your site. Sometimes it is hard to tell if a pet is tied up and seeing them run toward you can be a little scary.
Be prepared to clean up after them with a scoop or poop baggies.
That is the worst when people just let their pets poop and go on their merry way.
If you need some ideas for your next travel destination look no further
Bring those cute little furry babies along on your adventure, but please be prepared. You are not at home and most likely they will be very uncomfortable at first.
Take special care of your pets and be courteous to your neighbors at the campground.
This will keep your pets safe and make for a great adventure to remember.
Get out there and see this beautiful country of ours!